SoMD Saver CertificateCheck out our 6-month certificate at 4.32% Annual Percentage Yield! |
Fraud PreventionWe all think we know how to spot a scam, but are you up to date on your fraud knowledge? Brush up on fraud prevention best practices! |
Introducing Veterans Benefits BankingCedar Point is now a proud member of the Veterans Benefits Banking Program. |
Send Money with Zelle®Cedar Point Members can now use Zelle® to send money to friends and family right from the Cedar Point Digital Banking app! Look for Zelle® in our app. |
Get Back-to-School Essentials with Your Debit!4 reasons to use your debit card to prepare for the school year |
Home EquityAPR as low as 8.75% |
Credit CardsAPR as low as 8.00% |
New AutoAPR as low as 5.24% |
Rates are subject to change. Rate information is accurate as of September 19, 2024.
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