Rates | Cedar Point FCU (Lexington Park, MD)

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Current Rates

Rate information is accurate as of October 1, 2024.

Please read the appropriate disclosures or contact the credit union if you would like a disclosure mailed to you. Rates may be subject to change.
Applications are subject to credit approval, and actual rate is based on your credit. All rates are subject to change without prior notice. Rates shown are our Premium Loan Rates. No prepayment penalties apply.


Rates Auto Loans


Rates Motorcycle Loans

Boat & RV

Rates Boat Loans Rates RV Loans

Declutter Your Wallet In The New Year!

If you’ve made the New Year’s resolution to declutter your life, why not do the same with your finances? Paying off debt and saving can be difficult when you have multiple cards that have high, variable interest rates. Cedar Point has a low, fixed-rate credit card that could help you reach your financial goals faster. Transfer your balances to a Cedar Point Credit Card, and you could cut back on interest and clutter in the new year!





Personal Loans

Rates Signature Loans Rates American Freedom Loan Rates Shared Secured Loan Rates Any Reason Loan Rates Any Vacation Loan

Line of Credit

Rates Line of Credit


Rate information for certificates is accurate as of February 5, 2024. Early withdrawal penalties will apply. Fees could reduce earnings on your account. See our Certificate Rates Disclosure for details or contact Cedar Point to receive a copy of these disclosures. 

Rates Certificates Rates IRA Certificates

Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA) Certificate

Rates Coverdell Education Savings Account

Share Accounts

Money Market Account

Rates Money Market

Share Account

Rates Share Account

IRA or ESA Share Accounts

Rates IRA or ESA

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